Structure of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania

Disciplinary Board
The Disciplinary Board is comprised of 12 members (10 attorneys, 2 non-attorneys) appointed by the Supreme Court for a term of six years, unless otherwise ordered. The Supreme Court designates one member as the Board Chair and one member as the Board Vice Chair. For the current Board membership, click here.
Hearing Committee Members
Hearing Committee members serve the Board as volunteers in their respective districts to conduct hearings and act as a formal reviewing body to determine if a case might move forward in pursuit of a particular course of discipline. Disciplinary Board members appoint approximately 150 Hearing Committee members for a term of three years, and may be reappointed for a second three-year term. For the current Hearing Committee membership, click here.
Office of Disciplinary Counsel
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel, led by the Chief Disciplinary Counsel, investigates and prosecutes attorney misconduct. Complaints are assigned to one of four geographic districts. For district office information, click here.
Executive Office
The Executive Office, led by the Executive Director, includes operational functions of the Board, which include: the Attorney Registration Office, Board Prothonotary, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, and Technology. Additionally, the Board’s legal counsel, including Counsel to the Board and Special Counsel, are located within the Executive Office. Among many other duties, the Executive Office oversees and facilitates the adjudication of disciplinary matters and annual attorney registration.